We are in urgent need to fight the Trump administration’s efforts as children and families are being separated. TPS is revoked for more than 350,000 TPS recipients and their 270,000 U.S. born children.
We must organize locally and nationally to fight back!
Family Action Network Movement (FANM) is reaching out to all friends, partners and supporters to ask for a generous donation to cover the cost of the campaign. We have different trips planned to Washington DC to bring families to meet with members of congress on both sides. Our 1st trip is planned forSeptember 12 -13, 2018.
Ms. Marleine Bastien, Executive Director of Family Action Network Movement (FANM), said, “We must act promptly to protect the basic rights of due process of immigrants. We will continue to fight the Trump administration’s efforts to separate families and save TPS for all. ”
Help us protect basic human rights by making a donation today!
Your support today will help us as we fight for immigrant families to stay together.
FANM's mission is to empower low to moderate income families socially, financially, and politically and to give them the tools to transform their communities.
In support of all immigrants,
Family Action Network Movement